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levels at the time of Namdeb. The next immediate goal is to double production by mid-2023, implementing an internal pre-treatment system as second phase. The company is engaged in an aggressive recruitment campaign, with the goal of recruiting up to 180 people by the end of 2022, with a further increase during phase two. SDM is a Namibian company which possesses a combination of four diamond mining licenses in the diamond areas around Lüderitz. Its activity on the mainland is in Elizabeth Bay, 40 km south of Lüderitz. Among the other investments, the resource division of the GEM Group holds mining and energy activities in Zimbabwe. The corporate vision is the long-term expansion of its imprint in the mining and energy sector of South Africa and in the continent. The current African investments include a majority share in RioZim, which is one of the major producers of gold in Zimbabwe and in RZM Murowa, which is one of the key world producers of diamonds, a subsidiary of
di Luigi Cosma
RioZim. The company also possesses a refinery of base metals and an energy business unit, focused on the generation of green energy and on the minimisation of the carbon footprint of its mining operations. Through this last acquisition, the group aims at expanding its activity with the mining asset just purchased in the south of Namibia. In the meantime, SDM, which purchased the mining activity from Namdeb Diamond Corporation in October 2020, has invested in the project through an environmental reclamation campaign and the care and maintenance of the existing processing plant, with the goal of putting it back into service. Further capital investments have been solicited by shareholders, culminating in a share sale transaction between the Namibian shareholders which are the founders, Lewcor Holdings, and its minority partners, David Sheehama, MSF Commercials, and the GEM Group. As can be read in an SDM declaration:
“The shareholding transaction has been
welcomed by the government of Namibia and received the approval by the Competition Committee of Namibia and by the Minister for Mines and Energy. The agreement was finalised on 20 May 2022, with the subsidiary of the GEM Group which obtained 78% of the participation, while the Namibian shareholders maintained 22%, including an Employees Trust of 2%”.
La De Beers ha aumentato i prezzi dei diamanti grezzi per la maggior parte del 2021, mentre cercava di riprendersi dal primo anno di pandemia. L'unità Anglo American Plc ha registrato finora vendite eccezionali dopo che le sanzioni contro Alrosa PJSC hanno costretto il suo rivale russo a interrompere le vendite per la maggior parte della primavera, spingendo molti acquirenti a cercare forniture altrove. Ma ora tutto questo non si sta più verificando. Infatti Alrosa ha ricominciato a vendere
senza problemi in estate e le pietre russe sono tornate sul mercato. Inoltre, nel frattempo, la domanda cinese è stata colpita dai blocchi del Covid-19, e l'aumento dell'inflazione minaccia una più ampia domanda dei consumatori negli Stati Uniti e in Europa. A questa situazione De Beers ha risposto dicendo ai suoi clienti che raddoppierà le dimensioni del suo cosiddetto riacquisto.
Il sistema di riacquisto consente ai clienti della
De Beers di selezionare una parte delle pietre del sight e rivenderle alla De Beers. Questo consente loro di rimuovere le pietre che ritengono non redditizie e aiuta a impedire che troppe forniture indesiderate entrino nel mercato.
De Beers ha detto ai propri clienti che i riacquisti saliranno dal 10% al 20% per i diamanti superiori
a 1 carato nella prossima sight prevista per la fine
di novembre.
De Beers increased the prices of rough diamonds

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