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for most of 2021, as it tried to recover from the first year of the pandemic. The Anglo American Plc unit has to date recorded exceptional sales after the sanctions against Alrosa PJSC forced its Russian rival to interrupt sales for most of spring, driving many buyers to look for supplies elsewhere.
But now, all this is no longer happening. Alrosa went back to selling problem-free in summer, and Russian stones are back on the market. In the meantime, Chinese demand was hit by the blocks of Covid-19, and the increase of inflation threatens much wider consumer demand in the United States of America and Europe. De Beers has responded by telling customers that it will double the sizes of its so-called repurchase. The system of repurchase allows De Beers customers to select a part of the sight stones and resell them to De Beers.
This allows them to remove the stones that they believe are unprofitable and helps to prevent too many undesired supplies entering the market. De Beers has told its customers that
repurchases will rise by 10% to 20% for diamonds of more than 1 carat within the next sight envisaged for the end of November.
L'Empresa Nacional de Comercialização de Diamantes de Angola (SODIAM-EP) ha messo all'asta 43 diamanti speciali, tra cui un diamante rosa da 170,20 carati. Il processo di offerta per queste pietre
si è chiuso il 15 novembre 2022, eseguito solo elettronicamente per i clienti registrati da SODIAM, che hanno esperienza nella commercializzazione di pietre speciali. L'asta comprendeva sette pietre speciali del peso di oltre 10,8 carati, provenienti
dalla produzione di Lulo, provincia di Lunda Norte, tra cui un diamante rosa da 170,20 carati, tre pietre da 112 a 160 carati e tre pietre da 45 a 56 carati. Le sessioni di osservazione, che si sono tenute presso gli uffici della sede centrale di SODIAM
a Luanda, capitale dell’Angola, includevano
anche 27 pietre di oltre 10,8 carati provenienti dalla produzione di Catoca, Lunda Sul, tra cui un diamante da 104,7 carati e diversi lotti di peso compreso tra 20 e 40 carati. In asta anche nove pietre oltre i 10,8 carati della produzione Luele, tra cui diversi lotti di peso compresotrai20ei40 carati. SODIAM, fondata nel 1999, è una società statale responsabile della commercializzazione della produzione di diamanti dell'Angola. La società statale angolana ha esportato nel 2021 circa 8,9 milioni di carati di diamanti grezzi per un valore di 1,62 miliardi di dollari (1,65 miliardi di euro).
Empresa Nacional de Comercialização de Diamantes de Angola (SODIAM-EP) has auctioned 43 special diamonds, including a pink diamond of 170.20 carats. The bidding process for these stones closed on 15 November 2022 and was conducted only
electronically for customers registered by SODIAM, who have experience in trading special stones. The auction included seven special stones weighing more than 10.8 carats, coming from the production of Lulo, province of Lunda Norte, including a pink diamond of 170.20 carats, three stones from 112 to 160 carats and three stones from 45 to 56 carats. The sight sessions, which were held at the offices of the main headquarters of SODIAM in Luanda, capital of Angola, also included
27 stones of more than 10.8 carats from the production of Catoca, Lunda Sul, including a diamond of 104.7 carats and several lots weighing between 20 and 40 carats. Nine stones of more than 10.8 carats of the Luele production were also auctioned, including different lots weighing between 20 and 40 carats. SODIAM, founded in 1999, is a state company responsible for trading diamonds produced in Angola. In 2021, the Angolan state company exported close to 8.9 million carats of rough diamonds worth 1.62 billion dollars (1.65 billion euro).