Page 84 - 18 KARATI GOLD&FASHION 222
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T he great exhibition project entitled “Machu Picchu e gli Imperi d’oro del Perù" ("Machu Picchu and the Golden Empires of Peru"),
presenting 3000 years of civilization from the origins to the Incas, is running at the Mudec of Milan until 19 February 2023 and takes the form of an exhibition-story. A great journey over time tells a story in History, a glorious ancient civilisation which crosses the artistic reality and biodiversity of the Andesin its deepest geographical and chronological dimension, to culminate with an ideal route in the Incan city of Machu Picchu, citadel of stone, cultural and natural UNESCO heritage, built in 1450 at the peak of imperial development. Among immersive videos, 3D reconstructions of the environment and above all magnificent artefacts, storytelling reveals a vanished yet contemporary world, made of archaeological finds of unparalleled beauty: works in terracotta of great expressivity and technical perfection, but also golds, silvers and fabrics, evidence of a remote civilisation, rich in symbols and traditions, myths and legends, which represent the substratum on which the cultural universe of ancient
In alto: ornamento da naso, raffigurante un uomo con corda, in oro e turchese. Cultura Moche (100-800 d.C.). A fianco: regalia in oro, ornamenti indossati. Sepoltura imperiale Chimu (1100- 1470 d.C.).
Top: nasal ornament, depicting a man with rope, in gold and turquoise. Moche Culture, (100-800 AD). At the side: regalia in gold, worn ornaments. Chimu imperial burial (1100-1470 AD).