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The legendary private collection of the Rothschilds, dating to the late 18th century, is the exceptional fruit of the commitment which involved all members of the family, from baron James Mayer de Rothschild to his wife Betty and their children baron Alphonse and baron Gustave. They became famous for the extraordinary decorative works which furnished the sumptuous interiors of their homes in Paris and the castle of Ferrières, and their style became known all over Europe with the name of “goût Rothschild”. The first north American auction, held live and online simultaneously by Christie’s of New York of more than 600 objects of art of the “Rothschild Masterpieces” collection, took place in October. Assembled by two generations of exceptional collectors, the collection includes important ceramics produced in Renaissance Italy, boxes in hardstone, sculptures in silver and gilded silver, European furniture and tapestries, enamels of Limoges, paintings by ancient masters,
In alto, nelle due pagine: coppia di alari “ormolu” Luigi XV, ciascuno a forma di servitore in abiti europei e orientali, nell’atto di offrire un vassoio di bevande, salendo o scendendo una scala sorvegliata da una sfinge. Attribuito a Jacques Caffieri, metà del XVIII secolo. A sinistra: brocca portoghese in argento dorato, con base circolare sbalzata e cesellata, il corpo goffrato e cesellato con manici a forma di drago, il coperchio a cupola incernierato con pinnacolo foliato e bordo a corona. XVI secolo.
In basso a destra: cammeo rinascimentale in sardonice (esterno/interno), raffigurante il re Filippo II di Spagna e sua moglie Maria di Portogallo, con montatura in oro smaltato e perla pendente. Di origine italiana o spagnola, 1545-1550 circa.
Top, in the two pages: a pair of Louis 15th “ormolu” andirons, each in the shape of a server in European and Oriental garments in the act of offering a tray of beverages, walking up or down a staircase supervised by a sphynx. Attributed to Jacques Caffieri, mid-18th century. To the left: Portuguese ewer in gilded silver, with circular embossed and chiselled base, the body embossed and chiselled with dragon-shaped handles, the hinged dome-shaped lid features a foliate pinnacle and crown-shaped rim. 16th century. Bottom, right: Renaissance sardonyx cameo (external/internal), depicting King Philip II of Spain and his wife Maria of Portugal, with mounting in enamelled gold and drop pearl. Originally Italian or Spanish, circa 1545-1550.

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